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Stephanie Reniers-4 days week LN24

Published on :
27 Sep 2023
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The debate over a 4-day work week continues to echo in boardrooms and coffee corners across the corporate landscape. However, At Gentis, the 4-day work week is no longer an experiment; it's an integral part of our work culture.

In a recent appearance on LN24's "Les Visiteurs du Soir," our COO Stephanie Reniers shared the remarkable journey of embracing the 4-day work week at the company. It's a story that challenges traditional work norms and demonstrates the incredible potential for positive change in the modern workplace.

The results speak volumes: not only has productivity soared, but the well-being of the team has also been significantly enhanced. It's a remarkable achievement that defies conventional wisdom. Many companies might fear that reducing the work week by 20% could lead to a corresponding loss in revenue. However, Gentis decided to take the leap of faith, and the results have been nothing short of astonishing. While we initially expected a 5% loss in sales revenue due to the shorter work week, what transpired was quite the opposite. The company not only maintained its sales figures but experienced surprising gains. Our workforce became more engaged, motivated, and efficient, ultimately driving business growth.

This unexpected success showcases the power of innovative thinking in the corporate world. It's proof that a healthier work-life balance can coexist with exceptional productivity, and that employees who feel valued and respected are more likely to go the extra mile for their company.

Gentis have embraced a new way of working, one that prioritizes the well-being of their employees, creates a better balance between the professional and personal lives while achieving remarkable business outcomes.

To access the complete interview, simply click here and enjoy watching it!

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